
Archive for October, 2009

Natural Treatment for Arthritis

October 31st, 2009 No comments

Arthritis joint pain can be sensitive to weather changes. The increased the sensitivity is thought to be caused by the affected joints developing extra nerve endings in an attempt to protect the joint from further damage.

Signs and symptoms – all arthritis feature pain, which is generally worse in the morning and on initiating movement, and resolves in the course of time. In elderly people and small child, the pain may not be the main feature and the patient simply moves less or refuses to use the affected limb (children).

When faced with joint pain, a doctor will generally ask about several other medical symptoms that may narrow down the differential diagnosis to a few items, for which testing can be done. Arthritis and fever together are pointer towards septic arthritis. This is a medical emergency, and requires urgent referral to a rheumatologist.

People with rheumatoid arthritis as well as those interested in prevention and may want to reduce recurring strain on their joints and muscles. Rotate tasks throughout the day since forceful motion may contribute to rheumatoid arthritis.

Just as its significant to rotate work tasks on the job, its critical for rheumatoid arthritis prevention that you cross train when you exercise. A sedentary lifestyle will not help a person with rheumatoid arthritis or aid in prevention, although it is important to rest more during flare-ups.

Vitamin C, E and beta carotenes are powerful antioxidants that help to counteract free radicals. These oxygen reactive free radical molecules are thought to contribute considerably to disease and tissue damage. It has been found that cells from damaged knee cartilage can release great amounts of free radicals. In fact, studies have exposed that those who have a high Vitamin C intake have a two thirds lessening in the risk of further damage to their knees.

Arthritis disease also influences body weight. Though there is no known medical confirmation connecting arthritis to obesity, a current study proclaims a resilient connection relating body weight and arthritis. According to the scientific analysis, obese people appear more prone to arthritis in contrast to normal weight people and drawing a resolution that shedding off weight could be attributed to the preclusion and treatment of arthritis. Arthritis is also related with viral infection. Recent research results show that 50 percent of arthritis patients have proof of viral infection, signifying that viral as well as microbial infections do play a role in acute arthritis.

Sinus Infection Treatment – Natural Remedies

October 30th, 2009 No comments

Some symptoms of sinus include blood pressure, headache, congestion, swelling and inflammation. All of these discomforts can be avoided if you learn to control your sinus condition by using simple natural remedies for sinus infections.

You can overcome many of the common symptoms by empowering yourself with various precautions and measures. You need to follow these simple plans that can help you stay in control of this painful inflammation.

Plan 1

You need to consult a specialist who will conduct a detailed evaluation. This evaluation will help you to select the right medication for you.

Plan 2

Try to explore the complementary treatment options available. There are actually many complementary natural remedies for sinus infections that you will be able to find, that aim to help with this condition, and some of them may include:

Exercise: To overcome infection in your sinus you can practise QiGong. QiGong is a combination of exercise, meditation and breathing which will help strengthen your sinus.

Meditation: When meditation is undertaken regularly, your body relaxes which helps in de-stressing your body. This will help you to overcome allergies that are caused due to over stressing.

Aromatherapy: One of the most effective natural remedies for sinus infections. Using aromatherapy will relax your body and will also help it de-stress. This will help your body combat infections.

Herbal medicine: Herbal medicines have been used by both Western and Chinese people to treat diseases. Using herbal medicines that help build the body’s immune system are a great way to combat illness naturally.

Homeopathy: Homeopathy often uses herbs to cure infection and diseases.

Plan 3

Improve the surroundings that you live in. Try to improve the quality of air that you breathe. Also make sure that your house is clean, as dirty pillows and carpets could cause an allergic reaction in your body. Some common triggers include spores, dust mites and moulds. You can reduce your sinusitis by reducing your exposure to such triggers.

Plan 4

To control the infection in your sinus you should have a balanced diet. Make sure your diet includes the right minerals, vitamins and nutrients, as this is an effective way to help heal allergies. Try to include antioxidants like apricots, broccoli, almonds, lobster, cod liver oil and orange juice in your diet.

Plan 5

One of the major triggers for allergy is stress. Try to relax by listening to your favourite music or just sit back and relax in your favourite chair.

Plan 6

At times, the use of conventional medicines can help you overcome most types of allergies. These conventional medicines are usually used with complementary medicines and can do wonders to your health. Conventional medicines help in maintaining your health and help to heal the body faster. However, it is best to consult your doctor before you take conventional medicine.

You need to be committed and patient if you need to cure yourself from sinus infection. You should follow the plans carefully for the best results.

Social Anxiety Disorder

October 29th, 2009 No comments

Do you ever get the uncomfortable feeling that other people are evaluating your every word and action when you participate in social events? Does even the thought of meeting new people in new environments give you butterflies in the stomach? We all have some measure of anxiety in certain situations, and at times feel as though others are watching us with a critical eye. However, if your anxiety is a nearly constant feeling that manifests itself in physical discomfort as well – or if you find yourself looking for any excuse to avoid social situations – you may have social anxiety. If you are one of the millions of American suffering from Social Anxiety Disorder, help is available.

One of the worst aspects of social phobia disorder can be the feeling that you are alone in your fear of being judged by others, and that no one else in the world could possibly understand what you are going through. The fact is that you are anything but alone. Current estimates indicate that the number of people in the United States alone who suffer from social anxiety runs in the millions. Fortunately, social anxiety disorder help is available in a variety of forms to help you to regain control over your life.

If you believe you may have social anxiety disorder, help must first be sought from your physician. Properly diagnosing the disorder is a prerequisite for devising an effective plan for treating you anxiety. Once diagnosed, your doctor will work with you to determine which methods of treatment work best for your anxiety – most likely a combination of therapy and medications. The therapy will help you to confront your own thinking, which is a necessary component of any cure; medications are designed to treat the symptoms of the disorder. When combined, many patients find relief from their fears, and can begin to reclaim their lives.

If you know someone who has the symptoms or signs of social phobia disorder, help them as best you can to put aside their fears – at least long enough to seek a physician’s counsel. Even going to the doctor can be traumatic for those with this anxiety disorder – so the support of a friend or relative can be especially important, even in the diagnostic phase of treating the condition. The important thing for you to recognize is that you are not alone, and that there is help available.

Breast cancer tests for diagnosis and staging

October 29th, 2009 No comments

Breast cancer tests for diagnosis and staging

  • Once a mammogram, ultrasound, or MRI locates a potential tumor, the doctor may order additional tests to see if the cancer has spread:
  • Blood tests can assess kidney and liver function and may also reveal tumor markers, although these are not very reliable for breast cancer.
  • A biopsy of the tumor will be used to assess certain characteristics that can tell the doctor how aggressive the cancer is. Typically, lymph nodes are biopsied as well.
  • Chest X-rays can show if the cancer has spread to the lungs.
  • Bone scans can reveal whether there’s cancer in the bones.
  • CT scans are used to look at the chest and abdomen to see if the cancer has spread to other organs.
  • Sometimes PET scans are used to check for cancer in the lymph nodes or to scan the whole body for cancer.
  • The doctor may ask for an MRI if she’s concerned about whether cancer has spread to the brain.
  • The doctor will ask about the patient’s family history and may recommend a new test called Oncotype DX, which is used to predict the likelihood of breast cancer recurrence. It can be a useful tool for women with early-stage cancer who are trying to decide whether chemotherapy is necessary.

How breast cancer is diagnosed and staged

Oncologists use a complex system of letters and numerals to determine the status or stage of breast cancer. Knowing these numbers is very important, because it will help the patient understand the prognosis. If your friend or relative wants you to accompany her to doctor visits, you can help her understand what you both hear there. You’ll also want to know as much as possible in order to research and understand treatment options and explore clinical trials.

The letter T is used to designate the tumor size and spread, the word N indicates whether there’s cancer present in the lymph nodes, and the letter M stands for metastasis. So T2, N0 (zero), M0 means a 2-centimeter tumor that has not spread to the lymph nodes or any other areas.

The medical team then combines this information into a stage. There are four stages of invasive breast cancer, and some stages are broken down still further:

Stage 1

The tumor is smaller than 2 centimeters and no lymph nodes are involved.

Stage IIA

  • There are three possibilities at this stage:
  • The tumor measures less than 2 centimeters but has spread to the axillary lymph nodes.
  • No tumor is found in the breast itself, but cancer cells are found in the lymph nodes under the arm.
  • The tumor is between 2 and 5 centimeters across but there’s no lymph node involvement.

Stage IIB

  • There are two possibilities at this stage:
  • The tumor is 2 to 5 centimeters across and has spread to the axillary lymph nodes.
  • The tumor is bigger than 5 centimeters but hasn’t spread to the lymph nodes.

Stage IIIA

  • There are two possibilities at this stage:
  • The tumor has spread to the axillary lymph nodes and the nodes are clumped together or sticking to other structures.
  • No tumor is found in the breast, but cancer is in the lymph nodes, which are clumping together or sticking to other structures, or it is present in lymph nodes near the breastbone.

Stage IIIB

  • There are two possibilities at this stage:
  • A tumor of any size has spread to the chest wall or skin of the breast; it also may have spread to axillary lymph nodes or those near the breastbone.
  • All inflammatory breast cancer, which is considered Stage IIIB or higher when diagnosed.

Stage IV

The cancer has spread to other organs of the body, usually the lungs, brain, or liver; or the bones. Sometimes the doctor will say the cancer is metastatic at presentation, which means it had already spread to other parts of the body before the original tumor was discovered.

Oncologists and other cancer specialists look at whether breast cancer cells have certain characteristics that can predict aggressive growth. Pathology results from the biopsy will determine:

Whether the cancer has receptors for the hormones estrogen and progesterone. You’ll hear the doctor use the terms ER-positive or ER-negative, which means the tumor tested positive or negative for an abundance of estrogen receptors.

The amount of a protein called HER-2 produced by cancer cells. A HER-2 positive tumor is considered to be more aggressive, but it also means your family member can take Herceptin, a new drug that treats HER-2 positive tumors with excellent success.

Information about hormonal receptor status and HER-2 status can help the doctor recommend an individualized treatment plan that will offer the best chance of curing or controlling the cancer.

Once the medical team has assembled all the information possible to determine staging, it will offer a prognosis. This can be a tricky business, as there are many variables that affect a woman’s health and response to breast cancer treatment.

Sometimes doctors will discuss prognosis in terms of statistical “cure rates,” “recurrence rates,” or “survival rates.” This can sound very impersonal, but it’s the medical profession’s way of offering its best guess in terms of what you can expect.

One measure commonly used is the 5-year survival rate, which means the percentage of those who live at least five years after being diagnosed. Keep in mind that many of these patients live considerably longer than five more years, but they may be tracked for only five years.

Another term is 5-year relative survival rate, which takes into account the fact that some patients with cancer will die from other causes. Many organizations are adopting this number, as it’s considered more accurate.

Assuming you’re invited to your family member’s doctor visits, pay close attention when her doctor gives her this information, and ask as many questions as you need to in order to understand the information. A person who’s still reeling from a cancer diagnosis may have trouble taking in what she hears.

For example, the doctor may tell her that among all people with breast cancer, five-year relative survival is 100 percent for stage I, 86 percent for stage II, 57 percent for stage III, and 20 percent for stage IV. But these are very general numbers — her doctor can use information about tumor characteristics and general health to offer her a better sense of her own breast cancer and put these statistics in perspective.

American Cancer Society

What Is Breast Cancer?

October 29th, 2009 No comments

If you’re caring for someone who’s been diagnosed with breast cancer, it’s helpful for you to get grounded in the basics of the disease. Breast cancer usually starts with a cancerous, or malignant, tumor located in the breast tissue. Most breast cancers are located in the area around the nipple. For women, breast cancer is the most common cancer and the second leading cause of cancer deaths, following only lung cancer. Although men can get breast cancer, it’s rare (only one half of 1 percent of all breast cancers are in men).

Most breast cancers are found when a woman feels a lump or hard area within her breast or when a suspicious area turns up on a mammogram. Not all tumors are malignant; doctors determine whether one is by taking a biopsy of the tumor tissue. Then they can examine whether cells are growing in the out-of-control fashion that indicates cancer.

The majority of  breast tumors are described as being either lobular or ductal. These terms refer to the location of the tumor: whether it’s located in a lobule, or milk-producing gland, or in a duct, one of the tubes connecting the lobules with the nipple.

In situ and invasive breast cancer

One of the first things doctors try to establish is whether a breast tumor is contained within its original location or has spread to surrounding tissue. To determine this, doctors use two terms:

In situ. This means the malignant cells are contained within the original area — that is, within the duct or lobule. Women with very early-stage breast cancer will be told they have ductal carcinoma in situ or lobular carcinoma in situ. These are also sometimes called stage 0 because they aren’t invasive.

Invasive (or infiltrating). This means the cancerous cells have broken through the wall of the duct or lobule and are expanding into other areas. The most common type of breast cancer is invasive (or infiltrating) ductal carcinoma (IDC), which means cancer that started within a milk duct has now spread into the fatty tissue of the breast. Eight in ten of all breast cancers are IDC. Invasive lobular carcinoma, or ILC, is much less common, accounting for only one in ten invasive breast tumors.

The rarest type: Inflammatory breast cancer

Inflammatory breast cancer, a form of invasive breast cancer, accounts for only 1 to 3 percent of all breast cancers. This type of cancer doesn’t start with a lump or tumor. Instead, it begins by blocking lymph vessels in the skin. Women with inflammatory breast cancer may notice their breasts are red, swollen, and painful, and the skin may have a thick, pitted appearance that’s often described as resembling orange peel. Unfortunately, inflammatory breast cancer is often mistaken for mastitis, or infection of the milk ducts around the nipple.

The lymphatic system carries fluid that fights infection, and the lymph nodes and vessels near the breast and under the arm are one of the first places breast cancer typically spreads. Once in the lymph nodes and vessels, cancerous cells can be carried to other areas of the body.

Doctors biopsy lymph nodes to assess if breast cancer has spread. You’ll hear the term lymph node involvement as a marker for whether a cancer is contained within the breast or is metastatic, which means it’s spreading to other areas. The term sentinel node refers to the lymph node that doctors determine is the first node into which a tumor might drain; this node is usually biopsied.

Diabetes – A silent killer

October 28th, 2009 No comments

Does anyone out there have type 2 diabetes? Not to be confused with type 1 diabetes, which is basically juvenile diabetes. Type 2 normally comes on later in life. It stinks but it’s main cause is being overweight (yes, I am a little overweight myself). As you gain weight through the years, fat settles in around your pancreas, squeezes it therefore causing it not to produce or put out insulin like it’s supposed to do.

The only solution, besides surgery, is to LOSE THE WEIGHT! I hate diets as much as the next person but if your life depends on it, you’ll think long and hard about it. Don’t think of it as a diet, just focus on eating healthy, making good choices and before you know it you’ve dropped a pant size or maybe two.

After this happens your pancreas will start to relax and all of the sudden guess what, you don’t need a pill or insulin shot to control your blood sugar. You feel better. You have more energy. You can get out of bed without hitting the snooze fifteen times. It’s truly a life changing event.

The most important thing to do is don’t stress out about it. What does stress do, for many of us, it makes us eat more and proceeds to skyrocket the scales. So just relax, take it one day at a time and keeping up with your eating habits won’t feel like a job. It will be just a normal way of life.

My final thoughts: For those of you out there with type 2 diabetes or who may be at risk, please take care of yourselves. Get checked and do what the doctors tell you to do. Unfortunately, there will come a time in the life of most diabetics where they will be faced with tough decisions. All you have to do is manage it and you will beat it!

The Real Causes of Hair Loss in Women

October 28th, 2009 No comments

The many possible causes of hair loss in women show a generally different structure than for men. Some may be sudden and temporary but others may be a gradual or prolonged effect that proves to be permanent unless the true cause is diagnosed and the right treatment is prescribed and quickly put into practice.

Hair reduction or thinning in females is more likely to be seen over the whole scalp, unlike the usual bald spot areas (temples or crown) which occur in the male, and is normally less severe.

Here’s a list of the known causes of hair loss in women:

  • It is known that a severe trauma such as childbirth can change hormonal activity to produce the nasty byproduct DHT (Dihydrotestosterone) which damages healthy follicle growth resulting in thinner strands which eventually fall out.
  • There are many cases of bad nutritional issues that can cause scalp reactions resulting in a worrying loss of your tresses. Crash diets or general malnutrition from abnormal eating habits are common reasons. These, however, are usually temporary conditions and can be successfully reversed.
  • Prolonged emotional or physical stress has also been discovered to affect the scalp.
  • Strand pulling and scalp scratching are both bad habits causing subsequent thinning.
  • Too much hairstyling abuse; braiding, dye-colorations, heated-rollers and heated-driers, can destroy the protein that makes up your locks. This is called traction alopecia.
  • In many cases, blame can be directed towards your maternal genes. Checking whether mum or grandma have themselves suffered noticeable scalp problems could indicate possible future problems for you.
  • A severe underlying medical condition — autoimmune disorders can cause inflammatory alopecia areata where there is a reduction in patches or clumps. Anemia, viral or fungal infections, anorexia or bulimia, liver diseases, thyroid disorders and some mineral or vitamin deficiencies can also cause balding.
  • Prolonged taking of birth control pills can influence a change in DHT hormonal activity.
  • Some cancer treatments can prevent the dividing of hair follicles and the resulting healthy growth or re-growth of new hair fibre.

Can anything be done to treat these problems?

Many of the causes of hair loss in women are temporary or relatively mild in nature and can be successfully treated with the right remedies and proper care. Just be careful to use a natural approach that is proven to work and is designed for a milder application. Do not use a product created for men, it could be too strong for you.

Be careful and seek a medical opinion before committing to any well known proprietary treatment. There can be some alarming side effects in store for the unwary if you make the wrong choice.

The very best solution that I have found to counter the causes of hair loss in women has no side effects, is a natural treatment for your unique needs, is proven to work and is moderately priced — please check this out for yourself.

Anxiety Cures – Natural Anxiety Remedies

October 28th, 2009 No comments

This article has been written for people who are looking for a possible cure for anxiety. Some people have been struggling with anxiety disorder for many years. They are exhausted and frustrated because they have tried many different anxiety treatments that have not helped them. Some individuals may even think they can never get rid of the anxiety.

What are the different types of treatments for anxiety?

The 3 Methods To Cure Anxiety and Panic Attacks:

1. Medication

2. Talk Therapies

3. Self-Help

It depends on every individual which kind of therapy is preferred. However the goal should be to help you cure the anxiety and panic attacks. Usually people tend to go to the doctor first in order to get a diagnose and may be some medication to get rid of the “illness”. But with anxiety disorder this normally helpful method often lacks success. Anxiety disorder is not a virus or bacterial infection that is curable with popping some pills.

Unfortunately the roots of anxiety disorder and panic attacks lie deeper. The help of medication seems to be more focused on suppressing the symptoms of anxiety and panic attacks rather than on the anxiety cure itself. And not everybody wants to take medication for life.

Some people get successful help for anxiety and panic attacks with talk therapies. Provided they have found a professional therapist who is specialized in treating anxiety and panic attack disorder. The therapist already should have helped people to cure anxiety for good. The reputation should be excellent and they should be able to show you proof of their successful cured patients.

This is important because you don´t want to start the whole procedure all over again in a few years time. The best is to get a therapist recommendation from somebody who is already cured.

Here is a tip:

Some people like to talk to other panic attack sufferers to share experiences and get the feeling of being better understood. They like to talk to people who go through the same like they do.

You can find people on the internet. There are anxiety forums or anxiety blogs. At last there are the self-help therapies with many different self-help books, courses and programs out there on how to cure anxiety and panic attacks. Not all of them are effective and some seem to have more informational character.

If you are a panic attack sufferer you might have tried many different things to cure the anxiety including professional help. Means consulting a therapist or else. Unfortunately not even professional therapists can always help you cure the anxiety forever.

Self- help is very often the last hope for people to cure the anxiety and panic attacks.

The most effective self-help programs that really help people to cure a certain disease or disorder, in this case, cure the anxiety and panic attacks, are developed by ordinary people with no specific qualification or title.

What qualifies them is, that they were suffering form that particular disorder themselves and managed to find a way to cure it.

Why is it like that?

Very easy, when nobody can help you anymore, you start a research on your own. You find out every little detail about your disorder. You become an expert yourself in that niche until you find a cure, because this is your last chance.

So a good tip may be, find a former anxiety and panic attack sufferer who is cured today. This person can understand you perfectly and can help you to cure the anxiety for good.

Alopecia symptoms

October 27th, 2009 No comments

How to Know If You Are Affected With Alopecia?

A lot of people can be observed with balding spots or receding hairlines. There are some who has it because of heredity, but a lot of them have the condition because of alopecia. It could be brought many reasons. They could be using the wrong hair care product or there is a problem with their diet. People who are undergoing certain medical treatments like chemotherapy are also observed to have hair loss symptoms. Most of these hair loss condition signs are treatable. Once the cause is removed from their system, the hair grows back. You too could be practicing an unhealthy habit which could lead to hair loss. If you are not sure, there are some signs of alopecia that you need to watch out, before your hair is all gone.

The first is hair loss. If you observed that your crown is thinning out for no apparent reason, then you can be a candidate for the disease. Humans lose a certain amount of hair everyday. That is normal. But if you notice that you are losing hair in unusual number, then a trip to specialist is recommended. These experts will know what is causing it and can prescribe a remedy before your hair is all gone. Next in line for symptoms of Alopecia that needs to be monitored is baldness. The condition is defined as loss of scalp hair and is caused by many factors including drug side effects and certain medical conditions. However, if you have none of these causes and you are balding, you might already have alopecia and you need to have it treated as soon as possible.

Temporary or patchy hair loss was also observed to be signs of alopecia. Take note that alopecia does not affect scalp hair only. It is observed to be present in body hair as well. Therefore, the scalp need not only be the observed area. The effects of alopecia can be remedied if proper diagnosis and prompt medical treatment is given. It is a disease that affects many so instead of hiding or denying it, do not be ashamed to consult with a medical specialist.

Asthma and Dehydration

October 27th, 2009 No comments

Asthma is a histamine response due to dehydration. In my article Water An Antihistamine, I explain how histamine regulates the body’s water supply. When the body is short of water, histamine will control where the water is directed based on priority. Asthma, it was once thought, was brought on by stress, especially in children. Studies have shown that an estimated 75 percent of the population has some degree of dehydration, significant enough to affect their health. Along with dehydration, the majority of people’s body state is acidic due to our typical North American diet. Children love junk food which is very dehydrating and acidifying to the body which will explain why there are over 12 million child asthma sufferers in North America. There are many millions of adult sufferers as well.

Now we know that asthmatics have excessive levels of histamines in their lung tissues. If you breathe through your mouth long enough your mouth gets dry. Water is an integral part of keeping the lungs moist and functioning properly. Every time you breathe out, you lose water. When enough water is lost through the lungs, histamine kicks in to constrict the bronchial passages and increase mucus production to conserve whatever water is there. The mucus covers the tissues to prevent them from drying out. Once a diagnosis of asthma has occurred the person has been chronically dehydrated for some time. The constriction of the bronchial tubes occurs because there is not enough water to keep the cells hydrated and the nerves and blood vessels in the tissues are stressed and inflamed due to the histamine response.

If you are properly hydrated, the moisture in the lungs is rapidly replaced so histamine is not required to conserve and delegate water. By drinking enough water, particularly alkaline, ionized water, the inflammation in the lung tissue is relieved much sooner than drinking bottled water, tap water or reverse osmosis water. Water that is magnetized does not have a high enough pH to effectively address the acidic body terrain that is endemic in the population. Water that is microclustered is the most effective in hydrating the body. People seem to experience that the “water is wetter”, which seems like a silly statement, but the surface tension is significantly different. The alkalinity helps reduce the acid terrain and restore cellular balance.

Tests in animals show that an increase in water intake will reduce histamine levels significantly. Studies show that within a 2 to 3 week period enough water is present to reduce mucus buildup in the bronchi and lungs. Once this starts to occur, the spasms reduce and the bronchial passages begin to open. Normal breathing begins again as the body continues to be hydrated. In my clinic, I am seeing the same results with clients, their asthmatic symptoms are no longer there, now that they are hydrated properly. One client decided that his asthma was gone so he stopped drinking alkaline, ionized water. He started to drink tap water again. Within 3 weeks, he was starting to see symptoms again. Wisely, he started drinking alkaline, ionized water again and he is now symptom free.

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