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Effective Hair Loss Cure

November 11th, 2009

Loosing your hair can be a blow to your confidence and self-esteem. Even though millions of men suffer from male pattern baldness, somehow that does not make it any easier to deal with. Hair loss tends to give you an older appearance far before your time. If anything, it is jarring to look in the mirror and notice the change. It was a part of your life, and perhaps a part of your partner’s life.

The internet is flooded with drugs and supplements that claim to be the ultimate cure for hair loss. In fact, there is no reason to pay money to a scam artist in exchange for a sugar capsule that will surely not produce results. Stop looking for a magic solution and make an appointment with your doctor. There are drugs approved by the FDA that have been clinically proven to reverse the effects of male pattern baldness.

Baldness in men occurring for genetic reasons is, actually, caused by a reaction to dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a form of testosterone that is naturally produced in the body. This chemical has a reaction with an enzyme found in the glands below your scalp. Although scientists do not understand the exact reason, it is clear that the result is shrunken hair follicles and, consequently, baldness.

There are two drugs commonly prescribed to treat male pattern baldness.

  • Minoxidil was the first treatment clinically proven to be effective. At first, this drug was marketed to lower blood pressure, but researchers noticed that it had the side effect of causing hair growth in all kinds of unlikely places. Today it is available over the counter as Rogaine, but it is not considered to be as effective as other treatment options.
  • Finasteride is a second drug commonly prescribed to treat hair loss. Marketed as Propecia or Proscar, it is very effective at suppressing DHT levels and helping the follicles begin producing hair again. Finasteride, like Minoxidil, was first shown to stimulate hair growth during an unrelated clinical trial. In fact, researchers thought it might reduce the size of an enlarged prostate.

Unlike many hair loss cures, a vast majority of men can achieve positive results by sticking with one of these two treatments. If your doctor determines that you do, in fact, have male pattern baldness, he or she may likely prescribe one of these two treatment options.

Talking to your doctor early is important when treating hair loss. Though a physician can prescribe any number of drugs that might help you, the balder you become, the less likely it is that the drugs will provide any significant improvement.

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