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Metabolism and Canadian Health Care Mall

November 20th, 2014 No comments


The thyroid regulates metabolism, growth and body temperature. The gallbladder stores bile and releases it to help with the emulsification of fat, assimilation of fat-soluble nutrients, normalcy of bowel movements and prevention of bacterial infections. The tonsils support the fighting of infections, drainage of toxins and transport of white blood cells between lymph nodes and bone marrow. Unfortunately, most allopathic medical doctors lack the information and nutritional tools to help a person’s body regenerate organs and restore their normal and healthy functions. Gallbladder, spleen, thyroid, uterus, ovary and prostate removals are not necessary when proper nutrition is implemented and no evidence of physical trauma is present.  metabolism

Organ removals lead to worsened states of malnutrition. The removal of a gallbladder with no transplantation of a replacement causes patients to insufficiently emulsify fats and poorly assimilate fat-soluble nutrients like Vitamins A, D, E, K and F. After a gallbladder is removed, what will prevent the rest of the body from deteriorating from systemic fat-soluble nutrient deficiencies? Patients must ask their medical doctors about this prior to gallbladder removal.

Before you decide to have an organ removed, research the potential long-term symptoms. If you are already missing an organ, your holistic health care practitioner will be able to provide you with the proper whole food concentrates to fill the anatomical and physiological gaps your surgeon created. My heart was ripped apart, but it eventually healed. In time, it even became strong again and my willingness to interact with the members of the opposite sex was fully restored. As Tennyson wrote, “It is better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all.’’ Emotionally, I experienced the blissful transcendence of love, survived the emotional pain of its loss and recovered with a humbled heart.

Physically, each one of our organs has the ability to heal, regenerate and become strong again. However, this only remains true if they are allowed to remain within our bodies. In order to keep our organs healthy enough so they never require removal, we must feed them early and feed them well. A holistic health care practitioner who implements whole food nutrition can support us to do so. It is my dream — a possible one — that we become collectively healthy so that we can sing Paul Young’s song, with slightly modified lyrics for our allopathic medical doctors:

“Every time you go away, please DON’T take a piece of me with you…”

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